1. Stop the Intelligent Agent:
On NT:
or from DOS
% lsnrctl dbsnmp_stop
2. Edit the "$ORACLE_HOME/net../admin/snmp_rw.ora" file. Add the following
Note: The following 2 lines are case-sensitive and must be listed in
lower case letters or the parameters will be ignored.
The variable <service_name> is the exact listing of the databasename found
in the visibleservices list in the snmp_ro.ora file.
If <username> is the default (DBSNMP), there is no need to specify the user
here. Only the password is required.
3. Change the DBSNMP password on the database. You can use either Security
Manager, Sqlplus, or Server Manager. If you use SQLPlus or Server Manager,
you can issue the following command:
alter user "dbsnmp" identified by "<newpassword>";
4. Restart the Intelligent Agent.
Note: Rerunning "CATSNMP.SQL" or "CATALOG.SQL" script will reset the password
back to dbsnmp. If desired, edit CATSNMP.SQL to reflect the new USERNAME
and/or PASSWORD. Keep in mind that anyone with access to this file will
have access to the password as well, so, if desired, set Administrator or
Root only permissions on the CATSNMP.SQL file to prevent an average user
from seeing the file with its new changes.
Note: If the password is not set correctly for the Intelligent Agent's database
user, the following error will occur when the Agent is started:
NMS-205 Failed to connect to database <name> with username/password <string>